The following ferry schedule is in effect only until October 28. The Dept. of Transportation has announced it will close the ferry terminal in Fajardo on Oct 28 and then all ferries to Vieques will leave from Ceiba. Isabel II will continue to be the dock used in Vieques. The dock at Rompeolas in the west of Vieques will not be used until reovations are completed.
Vienquense piden participacion en la decisiones de la ATM
Prevenir Suicidio y Violencia en Vieques…
- Continuum Mental Care (antiguo CHAI) – Servicios de salud mental en la Calle Ancha, Munoz Rivera. 787-903-2878.
- HealthProMed – La Psicóloga Dra. Migdalia Pérez viene miércoles alternos . Calle 65 Infanteria. Citas son con ,787-468-2000.
- ASSMCA – Psicóloga Silvia Rivera en el CDT de Vieques en Barrio La Marias. Martes y jueves de 10 AM – 4 PM.
- ASSMCA Iniciativa II – En el Centro Comunal de Monte Santo (en el Baden). 939-579-4508.
- Fundación Stefano –tiene ahora (enero 2019) tres psicólogas disponibles para dar terapias psicológicas y pruebas psicométricas libre de costo. Para más información y citas pueden comunicarse con Minelly al (787) 585-4995.
- ASSMCA Iniciativa II el Centro Comunal de Monte Santo. Para citas: Alevalerie Carrillo, Coordinadora Cuidado Enlace, 939-579-4508. Abierto de lunes a viernes 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Barrio Monte Santo, Sector Pozo Prieto (detrás de la cancha)
- ALAPÁS – Centro de Ayuda a Víctimas del Delito, 888-631-5528. Coordinadora en Vieques (Grupo de Apoyo), Kathy Gannett, 787-565-2717
- Proyecto Anímate de ASSMCA: Visitando casas en Vieques haciendo referidos para mejorar la salud mental. Para más información: Francis Colón en el Centro de Recuperación de FEMA.
- Proyecto Launch para niños de 0-8 años. En el Centro Comunal de Monte Santo. Tiene psicóloga.
¡Todos los Martes! Acupuntura. Gratis. 1er y 3er y 5to martes de mes en la Iglesia Metodista en el Pueblo. 2do y 4to martes de mes en Iglesia Metodista en Esperanza. El 18 de sep en el Pueblo. El 25 de sep en Esperanza. 4 pm – 6 pm. (Free Acupuncture every Tuesday). 787-502-4088
Todos los Jueves y Viernes. Clases de Baile para niños y niñas. Jueves para edades de 7-12 años. Viernes para edades de 13-17 años. En el Centro de Bellas Artes de 3:30- 5:30 PM. Info: Fundación. Stefano, 787-435-1289.
Todas las semanas -Los Ángeles de Stefano – Se presenta el equipo de psicólogas que esta trabajando con los niños y familias en Vieques para prevenir la violencia. Contacto: Zorimar Betancort de Fundación Stefano, (787) 607-4990.
Clinica de Salud, 24-28 septiembre
Incluye psiquiatra y pediatra.
Conferencia Viequense sobre Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Visita de John Arthur Eaves
El Lcdo John Arthur Eaves – caso de clase Vs navy por danos a la salud etc – estará hoy, lunes, 26 de abril, a las 6pm en el fortin para informar sobre nuevas gestiones en el congreso a favor de la salud en vieques … interesa hablar con líderes comunitarios que podrán divulgar la info a sus organizaciones …. aunque el caso terminó al determinar el tribunal federal que la Marina goza de “inmunidad soberana” en este caso …. John ya seguido en la búsqueda de posibles mecanismos para apoyar a vieques …. 26 de abril, a las 6 pm en el fortin. (English: The lawyer representing Vieques residents in a lawsuit against the US Navy for contaminating the island during military practices will be meeting with the community on Monday March 26 at 6 pm at the Fort.)
List of Vieques Community and Church Groups
This list was created by Kathy Gannett to help in communication and collaboration between community groups. It may also be used for volunteers looking for a place to do work in Vieques. Please send me any suggestions or changes. [email protected]
Marcha por los derechos de la NIÑEZ
Support the demands of Vidas Viequenses Valen
Support the demands of Vidas Viequenses Valen
The Struggle Continues in Vieques
to achieve the just demands of its people
For more than 60 years, about a trillion pounds of explosives and toxic substances were dropped on Vieques by the U.S. Navy, NATO and their allies. After decades of protest and a campaign of non-violent, civil disobedience, the US Navy was forced to close the base on May 1, 2003.
Although we celebrate the closing of the bombing range, the struggle continues because contamination and neglect continues to afflict our communities. Vidas Viequenses Valen (VVV) was established by the people of Vieques in September of 2015 to continue the fight for justice. We have organized several protests to remember the victims of cancer and other diseases caused by military toxics and to demand a safe and complete cleanup. In November 2015, a huge cross and a large sign reminding President Obama of his responsibility with Vieques was installed in front of the Navy’s former Camp Garcia.
Vidas Viequenses Valen continues to work through educational forums, peaceful protest, media publicity, meetings with public officials to achieve the “4 Ds“: the historic demands of Vieques:
Demilitarization – Demilitarization will not be complete until the remaining military installations, the ROTHR radar facility and the Mount Pirata telecommunications center, are closed.
Decontamination – We demand that the Navy assign an adequate budget to carry out a complete cleanup of the land and waters that they themselves contaminated with “conventional” arms (bombs, grenades, projectiles) and “non-conventional” arms (napalm, Agent Orange, depleted uranium). We oppose the open detonation of unexploded ordnance (which is the cheapest form of removal) because it just continues poisoning us. We demand the use of detonation chambers to protect our community from further contamination. We oppose the Navy’s use of signage and fencing on contaminated areas because it leaves the contamination in place. The Navy must promote genuine community participation in the process of decontamination, so that the cleanup will be thorough and effective. Puerto Rican and Viequense companies must be granted the lucrative cleanup contracts which are now being given to U.S. companies.
Devolution (return of the lands) – We demand the return of all of the land which is currently controlled by the federal government – the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) – but first it must be restored to the condition in which it was found when it was expropriated in the 40’s. Residents still have restricted access to about half of our 33,000 acres.
Development: The type of development that is happening currently – which benefits primarily large scale projects and outside interests – gives little support to Viequenses. We support the Master Plan for Sustainable Development of Vieques which was approved by the Government of Puerto Rico in 2004. This plan was prepared following the directives of the community, and promotes agriculture and fishing, eco-tourism, small guest houses, social interest housing, archaeology, and historic and environmental research, among other things. Our people have been sickened by military toxics and suffer higher incidences of many diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. The federal government must compensate our people for the health problems resulting from the Navy’s activities. We need a modern hospital, early screening and adequate care for our illnesses. It is vital to establish efficient maritime and land transportation systems that respond to our needs, especially our needs to access health services in the main island of PR.
For more info: Myrna Pagán ([email protected]) o Ismael Guadalupe ([email protected]), Kathy Gannett: [email protected], 787-565-2717,