Support the demands of Vidas Viequenses Valen

Support the demands of Vidas Viequenses Valen

The Struggle Continues in Vieques

to achieve the just demands of its people

For more than 60 years, about a trillion pounds of explosives and toxic substances were dropped on Vieques by the U.S. Navy, NATO and their allies. After decades of protest and a campaign of non-violent, civil disobedience, the US Navy was forced to close the base on May 1, 2003.

Although we celebrate the closing of the bombing range, the struggle continues because contamination and neglect continues to afflict our communities.  Vidas Viequenses Valen (VVV) was established by the people of Vieques in September of 2015 to continue the fight for justice.  We have organized several protests to remember the victims of cancer and other diseases caused by military toxics and to demand a safe and complete cleanup. In November 2015, a huge cross and a large sign reminding President Obama of his responsibility with Vieques was installed in front of the Navy’s former Camp Garcia.

Vidas Viequenses Valen continues to work through educational forums, peaceful protest, media publicity, meetings with public officials to achieve the “4 Ds“: the historic demands of Vieques:

Demilitarization – Demilitarization will not be complete until the remaining military installations, the ROTHR radar facility and the Mount Pirata telecommunications center, are closed.

Decontamination – We demand that the Navy assign an adequate budget to carry out a complete cleanup of the land and waters that they themselves contaminated with “conventional” arms (bombs, grenades, projectiles) and “non-conventional” arms (napalm, Agent Orange, depleted uranium).  We oppose the open detonation of unexploded ordnance (which is the cheapest form of removal) because it just continues poisoning us.  We demand the use of detonation chambers to protect our community from further contamination. We oppose the Navy’s use of signage and fencing on contaminated areas because it leaves the contamination in place. The Navy must promote genuine community participation in the process of decontamination, so that the cleanup will be thorough and effective.  Puerto Rican and Viequense companies must be granted the lucrative cleanup contracts which are now being given to U.S. companies.

Devolution (return of the lands) –  We demand the return of all of the land which is currently controlled by the federal government –  the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) – but first it must be restored to the condition in which it was found when it was expropriated in the 40’s.  Residents still have restricted access to about half of our 33,000 acres.

Development:   The type of development that is happening currently – which benefits primarily large scale projects and outside interests – gives little support to Viequenses. We support the Master Plan for Sustainable Development of Vieques which was approved by the Government of Puerto Rico in 2004.  This plan was prepared following the directives of the community, and promotes agriculture and fishing, eco-tourism, small guest houses, social interest housing, archaeology, and historic and environmental research, among other things.  Our people have been sickened by military toxics and suffer higher incidences of many diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. The federal government must compensate our people for the health problems resulting from the Navy’s activities.  We need a modern hospital, early screening and adequate care for our illnesses.  It is vital to establish efficient maritime and land transportation systems that respond to our needs, especially our needs to access health services in the main island of PR.

For more info: Myrna Pagán ([email protected]) o Ismael Guadalupe ([email protected]), Kathy Gannett: [email protected], 787-565-2717,


Civilian exposure to munitions-specific carcinogens and resulting cancer risks for civilians on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques following military exercises from 1947 to 1998

Civilian exposure to munitions-specific carcinogens and resulting cancer risks for civilians on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques following military exercises from 1947 to 1998

Hans Sanderson, Patrik Fauser, Ricky Steven Stauber, Jesper Christensen, Per Løfstrøm & Thomas Becker To cite this article: Hans Sanderson, Patrik Fauser, Ricky Steven Stauber, Jesper Christensen, Per Løfstrøm & Thomas Becker (2017) Civilian exposure to munitions-specific carcinogens and resulting cancer risks for civilians on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques following military exercises from 1947 to 1998, Global Security: Health, Science and Policy, 2:1, 39-60 To link to this article:

Estimation of legacy public health risks from munitions residues near or at former military test
ranges has for the past decades been a challenge to health authorities. Parts of the island of Vieques
(PR) were for six decades used for military training, and these are now declared as a Superfund site.
ATSDR has conducted site assessments there and found no cause for public health concerns. The
reports and findings of ATSDR have since been heavily contested and disputed. This paper provides
a case study on cancer risk screening of munitions-specific carcinogens for the full period of military
training on Vieques. Added cancer risks and Margins of Exposure for the different carcinogens for
each year were derived. We found that there is a potential for cancer risk concern related to BaP
exposures. Furthermore, there were health risks from TNT exposures. The primary exposure route of
these compounds was oral. The period 1992–1997 showed a significantly elevated lung and bronchus
cancer incidence rate in Vieques compared to Puerto Rico mainland mainly among women  and men 50–64 yr. These correlate with high munitions exposures in the period 1977–1984.

Full Paper Here

International Women’s Day Protest 2017

Women in Vieques (and their supporters) blocked the Main St. in front of the Post Office for an hour and a half on Wednesday, March 8, 2017,  as they participated with thousands of women around the world on International Women’s Day protests. Local women spoke out about the right to control their own bodies, education on gender issues, the need to reopen the Vieques maternity ward, need for specialists in Vieques to treat cancer and other diseases, need for a functioning ferry service, need for more well-paid jobs and pay equity, the need for healthy, organic food, among many other issues. Here is the video of our spirited picket.  See Spanish below.


Para difusión inmediata

Paro Internacional de Mujeres en Vieques

Mujeres viequenses bloquean la calle principal de la capital de VIEQUES

8 marzo de 2017. Vieques, Puerto Rico: Hoy casi un centenar de personas se unieron al paro internacional de las Mujeres en Vieques, PR.   Mujeres viequenses bloquearon la calle principal de la capital Isabel Segunda de 11:00 AM a 12:30 PM para llamar atención a la situación grave de injusticias e incumplimiento del gobierno hacia las necesidades del pueblo de Vieques.

La cruzacalle que bloqueó la calle dijo “Mujeres en Contra de la Junta por la Salud de Vieques”.  Las consignas del día exigían la apertura de la sala de parto, trabajo digno y bien remunerado, mejoras en el sistema de transportación marítima, cero tolerancia a acoso sexual, entre otras.

Se hizo recolecta de cientos de firmas en una petición al Gobernador y a la Junta de Control Fiscal con los reclamos de la protesta.

Se pasó un micrófono entre las docenas de manifestantes del piquete ofreciendo la oportunidad a cada persona de expresar sus reclamos.


Celebramos el Día Internacional de Mujeres con un paro

(English below)

Este miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017, en Vieques celebramos el Día Internacional de Mujeres con un paro de 1.5 horas de 11 AM – 12:30 PM  frente al correo en Isabel II.  Sea parte de mujeres en 30 países celebrando el miércoles.

La manifestación será pro derechos de mujeres, contra la austeridad que impone la Junta de Control Fiscal, y para atención a nuestra crisis de salud y transportación marítima y a la falta de trabajo digno y bien remunerado. 

Vestir de rojo. 

Hombres y mujeres bienvenidos. Aquí las palabras solidarias de Ismael Guadalupe: Me uno a esta convocatoria de la amiga Kathy. Hablar de la mujer es hablar de la madre,  de una abuela, de una hija, de una hermana o de la esposa: razones suficientes para decir presente en esta actividad. Estaré allí haciendo mío los reclamos por una sociedad más justa y equitativa. Ellas estuvieron bien activas en nuestra lucha contra la Marina , decenas fueron arrestadas y defendieron a Vieques contra el abusivo poder militar.

English: Come to celebrate International Women’s Day by participating in a one and a half hour work stoppage from 11 am to 12:30 PM in front of the Post Office this Wednesday. We will be part of dozens of countries with women striking on this day for women’s rights. In Vieques we will focus our demands to oppose the austerity of the Fiscal Control Board and to demand attention to our health crisis and ferry system crisis and for attention to a lack of dignified and well-paid jobs for women. Men welcome. WEAR RED as those around the world will be doing.

​Ithaca College study showing heavy metals (poison) in our plant life in Vieques related to military practices.

Ithaca College study showing heavy metals (poison) in our plant life in Vieques related to military practices.
The crystal-clear water and white-sand beaches of the remote island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, are as postcard-worthy as any Caribbean destination. However, the flora that grows on the island may tell a different story: The United States Navy used Vieques as a bombing range from 1943 until 2003, testing landmines, guns and other artillery,affecting the ecosystems of the area. An Ithaca College student is conducting a study to see what effects this bombing has had on the area.Junior Danielle Bucior is a biology major conducting research about the contaminants the bombing left in the soil in Vieques. She traveled to Vieques in January to collect samples of the Scaevola taccada plant, a leafy green species that grows around the island, and is now testing them to check for heavy metals.Bucior received a grant for her research from the Rochester Academy of Science after writing an abstract including what her work entailed and why she wanted to pursue it. All biology students at the college conduct at least a semester of research as part of their degree requirements.Bucior said the military began cleaning up the island in 2006 in an effort to make it livable for humans. Though the island is working on opening public beaches and allowing people to swim, Bucior said she is still finding contaminants in the soil.“What I’m finding is that there are still a lot of heavy metals like titanium, lead and cadmium — things that shouldn’t be in the soil that are still there,” she said.

She said that as these plants take up the toxins, the animals that eat the plants consume the toxins, which progress up the food chain, eventually contributing to human consumption of toxins. Heavy metals like lead can cause health issues like cancer, blood problems and heart issues.

Biology professor Susan Swensen Witherup is Bucior’s research mentor. Witherup has a doctorate in plant physiology and genetics, and is working on the genetic mapping of the Scaevola plant. Bucior said Witherup invited her to work in her lab when she was a sophomore. The work originally involved research on pollination between native and invasive species in Vieques, but Bucior said she later enrolled in Witherup’s Biology of Oceanic Islands course that traveled to Vieques last year.

Witherup said she had collected plants from different geographic locations with the purpose of conducting analyses to compare genetic variances among plant populations. However, with these samples in hand, she said, she saw an opportunity to test for toxins with the knowledge of the island’s military history.

“It was just basically a shot in the dark,” she said. “It was like, ‘Well, hey, we know that this happened in Vieques, and we have all these different samples from all these different locations in Vieques. Why not also use these samples to look for a metal?’”

Bucior said that after researching and reading between 70 and 80 academic papers, she found one that related to her idea and modeled her research after it. She mapped the island based on where and to what degree the bombing occurred. During her trip, she collected more samples for her research from the various places on the island that she mapped.

“I learned a lot about the history, I got to talk to some of the people, and I just got really into it, learning about the environmental impacts of how we, as the American nation, came in, utilized the land and just kind of left it,” she said.

Witherup said her job as Bucior’s research mentor involves guiding the research, seeking funding and encouraging Bucior to present her work to academic journals. She said Bucior does all of the day-to-day work on the project, including collecting samples and conducting experiments.

Senior Adriana Morales is from Puerto Rico and works in the lab with Bucior on a separate project regarding the Scaevola plant’s genetic diversity. Morales’ project is similar to Bucior’s in that it involves the concept of conservation and utilizes the same type of plant. However, Morales’ work includes analyzing and researching to conserve the native species, Scaevola plumieri, and comparing it to the invasive species Scaevola taccada that was introduced by humans for the sake of tourism.

“Puerto Rico has really nice beaches, and so they usually build a lot of hotels or houses,” she said. “They usually tear everything apart, and then they do the building. When they try to make it like it was before, that’s when they bring in the taccada. And so they replant the taccada because it grows way faster and it looks very similar to the native one.”

Genetic diversity, she said, is essential for a healthy ecosystem. Morales said her work may also relate to Bucior’s due to the existence of heavy metals in the plants leading to genetic differentiation.

Viequenses visit Cayo La Chiva to develop a community-based plan

Viequenses visit Cayo La Chiva to develop a community-based plan

(translated from Spanish by Kathy Gannett)


Contacts: James Larkins, Friends of Cayo La Chiva 787-635-4950
Myrna Pagán, Vidas Viequense Valen 818-963-2344

Vieques – Vieques residents gathered on the La Chiva beach to leave in boats of supporting fishermen to develop for the first time a community plan for The La Chiva Cayo (Key). Cayo la Chiva, just outside La Chiva beach was one of the areas that the Navy of the United States used for maneuvers. Currently signs saying “No Trespassing on Cayo La Chiva and the Surounding Waters – Explosive Hazard” are posted on the La Chiva Beach which is located on the grounds of the Refuge in the east of Vieques, which was transferred to the Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States after the Navy stopped the bombing. Today Saturday, October 8, 2016, a group of 18 residents, consultants and employees of Natural Resources meet to visit and discuss how they want to manage this Cayo. The cayos of Puerto Rico are in the public domain, held by the Department of Natural Resources. Today’s visit marks a precedent for community groups in the management of natural resources in Puerto Rico.

“In the last Public Meeting of Restoration Advisory Board, RAB, for its acronym in English, on August 2, 2016, a plan for Cayo La Chiva was presented but we did not think the plan was in harmony with the vision we have for the Cayo. We are very concerned about any potential unplanned development in Vieques so it is important to plan the use of all of the land that the Navy left contaminated due to military practices, land which they used to hold maneuvers and to test even Agent Orange for more than 60 years. So we declare ourselves against plan proposed by the Navy for Cayo La Chiva and quickly organized ourselves as the collective Friends of Cayo La Chiva.” James Larkins of the Friends of Cayo la Chiva.

“We declare Cayo La Chiva heritage of Vieques and of humanity. We are keeping alive the struggle for the land of Vieques after the departure of the Navy in 2003. We want to show that the Vieques that we dream of is possible. So we are now working on this plan because we know that together we can start building the Vieques that we want. Our group includes archaeologists, farmers, health specialists, agronomists, designers, architects, engineers, and many other experts. We believe that together we can make the restoration plan for Cayo we truly serve us, the Viequenses, and not external interests. For a long time we have been deceived but today we are designing with the community. El Cayo has historical sites, is an amazing space of rock karst and we want to make use of the area,” said Juliana Ramos of the Friends of Cayo La Chiva.

“We are prisoners in our own land, the Navy of the United States moved our families out of these lands and kept us imprisoned for 60 years. Still they limit us to a third of the island, and now for 13 years the majority of Vieques is under the control of the Fish and Wildlife Refuge. For a total 73 years we are prisoners in our own land… almost 100 years. Today we are organized to rescue our lands, it is important that we are, with Natural Resources, the custodians of this Cayo. So today we are planning for all the possible uses. We will be measuring trees, taking inventory of species, noting areas for gazebos, lookouts, kayak routes, among other uses. This plan will be presented to the Navy, but first we will have several presentations in our communities where we will make changes to include the thinking of our people. Then the plan will be delivered to the Navy and the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources,” said Carlos “Chasty” Connelly Pagán, spokesman for the group Friends of Cayo La Chiva.

Our demands:

Vieques Cleanup — Fund a complete, rapid cleanup of the land and surrounding waters, still littered by thousands of bombs, grenades, napalm, Agent Orange, depleted uranium and other explosives left by the Navy. Cease the ongoing open detonation of unexploded ordnance. Guarantee community participation in the cleanup; train Viequenses as managers, administrators, and scientists, and foster Viequense companies to do the work.

Demilitarization and Return of the Land — Close the remaining military installations still occupying 200 acres of Vieques. Return to the people of Vieques all land still under the control of the U.S. Navy and the federal government.



(original in Spanish)
Viequenses visitan Cayo La Chiva para desarrollar un plan de base comunitario (Viequenses visit La Chiva to develop land use plan.)

8 de octubre de 2016

Contactos: James Larkins, Amigos del Cayo La Chiva 787-635-4950
Myrna Pagán, Vidas Viequenses Valen 818-963-2344

Vieques- Residentes de Vieques se reunieron en la playa La Chiva para partir en botes de pescadores solidarios a desarrollar por primera vez un plan comunitario para un cayo. El Cayo la Chiva, a las afueras de la playa La Chiva fue uno de los espacios que la Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos utilizó para sus maniobras. Actualmente se ven letreros de “cuidado municiones” en la playa La Chiva que se encuentra en los predios transferidos al Refugio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos en el área este luego de la Marina cesar el fuego en Vieques. Hoy sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016 se reúne un grupo de 18 residentes, consultores y empleados de Recursos Naturales para visitar y discutir como quieren se maneje dicho cayo. Los cayos de Puerto Rico son de dominio público, custodiados por el Departamento de Recursos Naturales, la visita del día de hoy marca un precedente para grupos comunitarios en el manejo de los recursos naturales en Puerto Rico.

“En la última reunión el 2 de agosto de 2016 del Public Meeting Restoration Advisory Board, RAB, por sus siglas en inglés, se presentó un plan para el Cayo La Chiva pero no pensamos el plan era cónsono con la visión que tenemos para el Cayo. Estamos muy preocupados por cualquier potencial de desarrollo no planificado en Vieques por eso es importante planificar el uso entre todos de los espacios que la Marina de Guerra nos dejó contaminados por las prácticas militares, terrenos que utilizaron para maniobrar y experimentar hasta con agente naranja por más de 60 años. Así que nos declaramos en contra del plan propuesto por la Marina en torno al Cayo La Chiva y rápido nos organizamos como el colectivo Amigos del Cayo La Chiva.” James Larkins de los Amigos del Cayo la Chiva.

“Declaramos el Cayo La Chiva Patrimonio de Vieques y de la humanidad. Estamos manteniendo viva la lucha por los terrenos de Vieques luego de la salida de la Marina en el 2003. Queremos demostrar que el Vieques que soñamos es posible, por eso estamos hoy trabajando este plan, por que sabemos que entre todos podemos ir construyendo el Vieques que queremos. En el grupo hay arqueólogos, agricultores, especialistas en salud, agrónomos, diseñadores, arquitectos, ingenieros, y muchos otros expertos, entendemos que entre todos podemos hacer el plan de restauración para el Cayo que verdaderamente nos sirva a nosotros los viequenses y no a intereses externos. Por mucho tiempo nos han engañado pero hoy estamos diseñando en comunidad. El Cayo tiene yacimientos históricos, es un espacio increíble de roca de karso y queremos aprovecharlo”, enfatizó Juliana Ramos del grupo de Amigos del Cayo La Chiva.

“Estamos presos en nuestra propia tierra, la Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos desplazó nuestras familias de estas tierras y nos mantuvo presos por 60 años. Todavía nos mantienen en un tercio de la isla, pero ahora se trata del Refugio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre que lleva 13 años. Un total de 73 años presos en nuestra propia tierra, casi 100 años. Hoy nos organizamos para rescatar nuestras tierras, es importante que seamos nosotros con Recursos Naturales los custodios de este cayo. Por eso hoy estamos planificando entre todos los usos que le queremos dar, estaremos midiendo árboles, haciendo inventario de especies, observando áreas para gazebos, miradores, rutas para kayak, entre otros usos. Este plan se le presenta a la Marina, pero primero tendremos varias presentaciones en nuestras comunidades donde haremos cambios para incluir el pensar de nuestra gente y luego se le entregará a la Marina y al Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales”, sostuvo Carlos “Chasty” Connelly Pagán, portavoz del grupo de Amigos del Cayo La Chiva.

Sobre la Limpieza de Vieques
Financiar una completa y rápida limpieza de los terrenos y las aguas circundantes, todavía hay miles de bombas, granadas, napalm, Agente Naranja, uranio reducido y otros explosivos dejados atrás por la Marina. Detener la explosión abierta de bombas sin detonar.
Garantizar la participación de la comunidad en la limpieza; entrenar viequenses como gerentes, administradores y científicos, así como promover oportunidades a las empresas viequenses para hacer ese trabajo.

Sobre la Desmilitarización y Devolución de Todos los Terrenos
Cerrar las instalaciones militares que aún quedan y que ocupan unos 200 acres de Vieques. Devolver al pueblo de Vieques toda la tierra aún bajo el control de la Marina de EE.UU. y el gobierno federal.


Vidas Viequenses Valen call for protest against open detonations

Vidas Viequenses Valen convoca al pueblo a manifestarse en contra de la detonación al aire libre de municiones no explotadas

Publicación Inmediata Comunicado de Prensa, 2 agosto 2016

Contacto: Myrna Pagán (818) 963-1344


Informa Myrna Pagán, portavoz de VVV

El Grupo comunitario,Vidas Viequenses Valen (VVV) pro Ambiente y Salud de los Viequenses convoca al pueblo a manifestarse en contra de la detonación al aire libre de municiones no explotadas que siguen presentes en el suelo y el mar alrededor de Vieques. La Marina de Guerra continua contaminando la Isla Nena en esta fase de la limpieza y restauración utilizando el método de detonación abierta para destruir municiones vi

ejas, producto de las seis décadas de practicas militares.

Informa VVV que cuando se queman desechos toxicos con quema abierta o detonación abierta no se destruyen todos los desechos tóxicos y algunos de los quimicos tóxicos se dispersan por el medio ambiente contaminando la tierra y el agua y dañando la salud de la comunidad. Myrna Pagán, portavoz de VVV dice: “lo peor es que se crean algunos químicos nuevos más peligrosos y persistentes con la “combustión incompleta” de la detonación abierta. Nuestro pueblo sufre una crisis de salud por causa de esta contaminación. ¡No aguantamos más!  !BASTA!”
“Existen alternativas de tecnologías avanzadas para el tratamiento de municiones militares… que las traigan para Vieques, YA!” La protesta va mañana, 2 de agosto, a las 5:00 pm en el Faro Punta Mulas.
Se avisa al pueblo además que en la agenda de la reunión de la Marina (RAB), que celebrara a las 6 pm, esta para informarle al pueblo el Plan de Acción de Remediación para el Cayo La Chiva. Hay que estar allí para defender los derechos de la comunidad sobre el uso de esta propiedad del pueblo, y para exigir una limpieza en armonía con nuestro uso y pleno disfrute de nuestro patrimonio.

Viequenses send 15,000 signatures to President Obama for a safe and complete cleanup and attention to our health crisis

Publicación Inmediata Comunicado de Prensa

19 de abril 2016

Contactos: Myrna Pagán (818) 963-1344, Ismael Guadalupe (787) 612-0723

Viequenses reclaman al Presidente Obama y al Congreso una solución a la crisis de salud, del medio ambiente de Vieques y oponerse a la venta de tierras de Vieques.

Decenas de personas asistieron a una vigilia esta noche en Vieques en honor a David Sanes que murió hace 17 años por una bomba de la Marina de Guerra de los EEUU mientras trabajaba como guardia de seguridad civil a Campamento García.

La vigilia, que se celebró en la entrada del Refugio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre (el antiguo campo de tiro), fue convocada por Vidas Viequenses Valen (VVV). Además, para honrar a David Sanes, VVV anunció el envío de una petición hoy con 15,000 firmas al Presidente Obama pidiendo la atención de la crisis de salud y ambiental en Vieques incluyendo una limpieza segura, completa y la devolución de toda la tierra aún bajo el control de la Marina de EE.UU. y el gobierno federal.

VVV líder Ismael Guadalupe habló fuertemente en contra de la amenaza del Congreso de los EEUU que pretende vender los terrenos rescatados de la Marina a los especuladores (como parte del proyecto de la Junta de Control Fiscal) y dijo “Vieques no esta a la venta!”

Con referencia a los malos servicios de la CDT en Vieques, líder comunitaria Carmen Valencia, dijo que “La vida de nosotros esta en juego. La decisión y tiempo que se toma en enviar una paciente a la Isla Grande es lo que cuesta la vida.”

En la petición enviado hoy, el pueblo de Vieques exige a Presidente Obama y el Congreso:

Salud – Proveer un hospital moderno con facilidades para el tratamiento de cáncer, y la detección temprana y tratamiento a tiempo de todas las enfermedades. Crear una facilidad para determinar la relación entre las toxinas militares y la salud. Proveer compensación justa a las personas que padecen condiciones de salud como resultado de las actividades de la Marina.

Limpieza – Financiar una completa y rápida limpieza de los terrenos y las aguas circundantes, todavía hay de miles de bombas, granadas, napalm, Agente Naranja, uranio reducido y otros explosivos dejados atrás por la Marina. Detener la explosión abierta de bombas sin detonar. Garantizar la participación de la comunidad en la limpieza; entrenar viequenses como gerentes, administradores y científicos, así como promover oportunidades a las empresas viequenses para hacer ese trabajo.

Desarrollo Sustentable – Apoyar el Plan Maestro para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Vieques que promueve la agricultura, la pesca, el ecoturismo, las pequeñas casas de huéspedes, las viviendas de interés social, transporte colectivo, la arqueología, investigaciones históricas y ambientales entre otros temas.

Desmilitarización y Devolución de Todos los Terrenos – Cerrar las instalaciones militares que aún quedan y que ocupan unas 200 acres de Vieques. Devolver al pueblo de Vieques toda la tierra aún bajo el control de la Marina de EE.UU. y el gobierno federal.
Foto vigil Vieques frente cruz Apr 19, 2016